A Conversation for AGG/GAG - 42

The End of an Era

Post 1

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Originally proposing an Alternative Guide to the Galaxy that would be more universally inclusive than the 'official' Edited Guide, the frustrated founders of AGG swallowed some anger and morphed into the Galactic Anomalies Group (GAG) determined to champion contributions that might never endure the Peer Review process. The group identity <./>AGGGAG</.> was created and given a named link by The Powers That Be smiley - cheers .

Then with the support, guidance and generosity of smiley - thepost editors, GAG began the Agg/Gag series of articles, recommending unedited entries. This series has now culminated in 42 issues. Over time, member interest and participation varied, but a core group remained and became the Committee for Alien Content or CAC. This committee remained determined and dedicated themselves to round out the series to its logical number of 42 issues. And here we are at the final chapter with the best issue we've ever put together.

Links to all 42 issues (with comments from one of our founders - the crusty Martin) can be found at <./>AGGGAG-Archives</.>

An Honour Roll list of every contributor to AggGag's 42 isssues will be published in smiley - thepost next week.

So long and thanx for all the weird science, fiction, first personals and kitchen sinkronicities.

~jwf~ for the Committee

*this posting is actually a test to see if anyone actually reaches the bottom of this page, so please just sign a posting to let us know you were here. thanks*

The End of an Era

Post 2


I won, I won!

The End of an Era

Post 3

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Unfortunately we have no smiley.
Will this do?
smiley - disco
It's bright and cheery.

smiley - biggrin

The End of an Era

Post 4

Wand'rin star

I'd settle for one of those smiley - star

The End of an Era

Post 5

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Here, take two. One for congeniality.
smiley - discosmiley - divasmiley - disco

The End of an Era

Post 6


That smiley - disco smiley looks more like a Christmas tree bauble every time I see it.

smiley - ta

The End of an Era

Post 7


Isn't that what kills off small isolated island communities? not for me thanks. smiley - biggrin

"It is not the end. It is not even... the beginning... of the end. It is perhaps... it is perhaps... the end... of the beginning"

or is that not the appropriate quote? Something else?

smiley - musicalnoteAnd now...smiley - musicalnote

The End of an Era

Post 8


Throughout the years I've come to regard you as people I ... met.

The End of an Era

Post 9


AGG/GAG will be sorely missed

smiley - cheersfor everything you've done!

The End of an Era

Post 10

~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum

Coming this Thursday in smiley - thepost an "Index to all 42 issues of <./>AGGGAG</.>"
You'll all be delighted and probably surprised (I was) to learn that a total of 119 researchers contributed 154 entries, not counting all our personal and editorial blithering!
smiley - cheers

The End of an Era

Post 11

Ridiculous Chicken† - a very absurd little bird

This is such a sad occasion... AGGGAG have done so much for h2g2's more peculiar members that I now have no idea of how I'm going to exist without them. Who else would pay any attention to my bizarre ramblings? It seems that I no longer have a telos, although reading the article on suicide may help the matter. Anyway, thanks to everyone involved for providing me and my mates with so much entertainment, I'm sure AGGGAG will be missed immensely! smiley - cheers

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