A Conversation for PC Games

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A837137 - PC Games

Post 1

Durb 118 (199938)

Entry: PC Games - A837137
Author: Durb 118 (199938) - U199938

"Its a funny old game"

A837137 - PC Games

Post 2

Oberon2001 (Scout)

This entry could really be spruced up with the use of GuideML (A187229), it's quite easy to learn the basics and makes everything a lot clearer. Also, there is probably a picture in the h2g2 picture library (C809)that you can use to make this easier on the eye.
Other points
- The moderator might pick up on the use of b****y. I say might, best to delete though.
- Thought about charting the progress of games, from simple block graphics to ultra-3d half-life on-line play?
- Also, computer games are often written in only a couple of programming languages, so describing the main ones might be a good idea.
Hope all this helps smiley - smiley

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A837137 - PC Games

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