PC Games

2 Conversations

PC Games.

Bloody Addictive! If it was thought that the stars of Eastenders have a tough time grappling with a day to day urge for...whatever, then take a moment to consider the plight of the PC gamer.

First, it is an errenous suggestion to compare a PC gamer to sy, a console game player. The main reason for this is buttons. A PS2 has about 12 buttons, and axis of movement controls. A PC has roughly a similar amount on the average game controller, but then has to contend with a whole keyboard and a mouse.

Second, the average console gamer is between 7-25, where as PC gamers never stop. They cant.

As far back as the late 80's, a "PC", (sorry Sir Clive), had just a few buttons to press, now and then - unless you are playing a sports game with Daley Thompson, in which case you would look as though you are trying, with your fingers, to hammer two nails into the floor at once - these days however 200 page manuals, and a keyboard map, (that ideally should come in two large rolls of wallpaper for complete ease of reference), are comman place. Things have changed indeed.

So, after a month of learning the controls, you can then start, just start, to learn the game rules and how to play, (if you havnt got carple tunnel syndrome from the late 80's), then what? The climax of a thrilling game experience is turned into anti climax, becuase youve been studing the damn manual for weeks, and feel that this game is an extension of your profession where you dont get overtime.

Are they worth it then?


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