A Conversation for Calistoga Cooler

Peer Review: A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 1


Entry: Calistoga Cooler - A831494
Author: Researcher 203476 - U203476

I don't really know if this is something you need to review but you might enjoy drinking it!

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 2

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Hello Researcher 203476.

It looks as if you've only just joined h2g2. Welcome smiley - smiley. If you write something in the way of an introduction on your personal space, one of h2g2's Assistant Community Editors (ACEs) will welcome you officially.

As far as your entry is concerned, it looks quite good. Entries don't have to be long, rambling pieces if they are only conveying a small amount of information, as in a recipe. It might be nice to have just a bit more in this one though, like for instance, why it's called a Calistoga Cooler, and are there any variations?

There are two kinds of entries here at h2g2 - those you write simply for your own enjoyment, and those you write for inclusion in the edited section of h2g2. You'll learn more about this as you find your way around. Those you write for yourself don't have to be Peer Reviewed. PR is where the latter type of entry is pored over by other researchers and any problems ironed out before being accepted and sent off to the editors for inclusion.

I don't know what the record is for having an entry accepted in the shortest time since joining h2g2, but you may be up for it at this rate smiley - biggrin

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 3


Thanks for the heads up on posting information about myself. I didn't know I was supposed to do this.

As far as the history of the name Callistoga Cooler, I honestly have no idea! I know that is how it is made at the Smithsonian so I assume the recipe has some historical reference (that is what the Smithsonian is supposed to reflect isn't it?) but no one I talked to had any idea why it was called that.

Thanks again for the info.

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Sure thing smiley - ok. That's just what Peer Review's for smiley - smiley

You could try a little Googling to find out more about the drink - that's what most of do to get more info on our entries smiley - biggrin

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 5

Trout Montague

Wakey wakey chip3c.

If my entries aren't going to stay at the top of PR, I'm going to make dang sure they get right to the bottom.

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 6

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

And it's in the dreaded first person... More info wouldn't hurt either. Sounds like a yummy shake - rather like a root beer float without the root beer, just the fizz.

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 7

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Chipc3 seems to have left the building one day after posting this entry - over two months ago.

I recommend a move to the FM.

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 8

Lentilla (Keeper of Non-Sequiturs)

I'll second that motion... was it a shake to the left, or a shake to the right?

A831494 - Calistoga Cooler

Post 9


Sorry about the delay in replying. I have been having health problems (no, not from drinking to many shakes). I never really pursued the question of the name history because I didn't feel it was important. Obviously from the amount of replys asking about the history of the name it is. I will do my homework this week and try to update the report when I find something out.

Thanks for your interest in the article.

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