Calistoga Cooler

2 Conversations

This is a simple shake that is great for kids and hot weather. The recipe was acquired from the living exhibit Olde Fashioned Ice Cream Parlour at the Smithsonian Institution of American History and was a favorite there.

Calistoga is a small farming community in the Napa Valley of California. The city is famous for the natural spring mud baths there. Where the drink originated is still a mystery. However, the rumor I heard was that it was created at the mud baths in Calistoga. After taking the cleansing mud bath you would be offered a Calistoga Cooler to help refresh you. Not traditional spa drinks offered today but alot more refreshing if you ask me!

The directions:

In a blender mix in one (1) can of Ginger Ale with two (2) scoops of Vanilla Ice Cream. Blend to desired thickness. Malt powder can be added but does not improve the taste in my opinion.

The resulting shake is surprisingly refreshing. I prefer it to a traditional milk shake because the fizz in the Ginger Ale adds something to the fun of drinking. I can't explain it. I just like it.

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