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Happiness is the goal of most people

Most people seek happiness for themselves and those who they care for. Some extend this further to trying to improve the lives of others. One such attempt involved with a witchcraft web site the development of an extended system, which concentrates on how to become happy, and stay happy.

Following discussions within the BBC message boards a further project developed that involved the creation of a web site called 'Peace and happiness', and this included the text from the earlier site adjusted slightly, plus more on friendships.

Most people, who have read these systems though have got a better understanding of how to become happy, avoid depression and spread happiness around.

The people behind the peace and happiness site are both researchers on this system, they are Jessica and Aqua.

The happiness section of the witchcraft site is at www.book-of-shadows.org.uk/happiness and the peace and happiness site is at www.happiness.value-plus.com

What is the secret

The contents of the happiness sub sections of these sites includes :-


Traveling companions

Friends - terms of reference

What is happiness

Who is really happy

Route plan to happiness

...Embracing optimism

...Be tolerant of others

...Establish support

...Taking control

...Respect yourself

...Be always curious

...Talk with the spirit

...Stay healthy

...Enjoying work

...Managing money

...Giving pleasure

...Avoiding envy

...Find someone to love

...Enjoying sex

...Children when you want

...Sharing a dream

...Overcoming fears

...Overcoming the fear of death

...Being confident



...Strive for something

...Succeed in something

...Know yourself

When things go wrong


...A death

...Lost love

...Lost respect

...Ill health



...A light at the end of the tunnel

Plan to stay happy

We hope you will find this of interest

Other links you may find useful within h2g2

Depression Index - a listing of all pages we can find that discuus depresion, happines or moods.
Witchcraft index - witchcraft sites plus more
Aqua - helping people
Jessica's peace and happiness page
New Atlantis page

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