Depression Index

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Depression Index

The objective of this page is to both to allow existing pages within h2g2 that may help people who are experiencing depression to help themselves or for friends to know how to help them. In addition it will help to highlight pages that I and others can write that may be helpful.

There is another page on happiness with a list of contents from another web site, with the author’s permission, which may provide a helpful agenda to expand this subject. This is at A825671.

Let me know of any pages that you discover that I should add or feel free to chat about pages that you would like to research and write. So where do we do from here, any ideas?

I would also like to develop a full web site to help those with depression and in particular younger people, and would like to hear from others who would like to help with this project. It is researching and writing skills we could do with no web building.

I welcome any ideas that you might have.

Happiness page and inrtroductio to a full system A825671
Peace and happiness page A789816


We look at first entries relating to depression then to entries relating to happiness

Teenage depression A270109 Not much help also at A213148 shorter version at A687512 we have another version. – non of these are much help, other than as a starting point perhaps for discussion.
Teen depression and general paranoia A272909 of limited help, basically simplistic advice.

Depression and college students A565625, Good intro and overview for those at University, but generally useful information, but does not consider the option to do something else. A few links.
Depression and college students A508079 Brief introduction quite good, a few links.

Post Natal depression A325126 Good definition and brief explanation, one link also A146369 (nothing on page yet)
Seasonal Affective disorder (SAD) A355466 short explanation with some advice. No links

Bipolar disorder, mania A727193 (esteems of moods) American I think, written like a college project, may have been copied from a text book - with no involvement. No links.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) A695171 (between 60%-(0% have previously suffered from depression)

Depression A512308 (single line entry) A457210 ( a few lines only) A254909 (another short entry with 2 lines)

Overcoming depression A685037 Many alternative methods very briefly explained, possibly a good place to come up with ideas for further study. A few links.
Overcoming depression A654725 written from experience, looking at some of the methods available briefly, a few links.
Coping with depression – talking point A509564 basic definition as a basis for discussion
Cure for depression A484490 a few lines of experience on overcoming it.
Sorrow, depression A549759 2 line entry.

Medication for depression A717545 (very basic), also A663897 very similar article.

Depression, intellect and genetics A255313 only a few lines explaining some thoughts/research proposed.
Mental health A646148 (general discussion and some links, little on depression)
Mental health A623189 general introduction with help line phone numbers and a few links Another version at A613324
Suicide prevention A801550 – useful article and some statistics. Suggests suicide is world wide the third largest cause of death. Article is largely American based.
Poetry therapy A665246 general explanation, some links
A personal account of depression survival A722251 May help others to understand dome of the feelings and reactions to ideas put forward.
Depression at hand but that’s for later A38099 (nothing of interest within the 3 lines)


Happiness A825671 The best look at the background to and plan to make people happier all the time.
Peace and happiness A789816- a good definition and leading to an excelent larger project
Happiness A280045 10 line definition A395877 a few lines from./for a fiction text A351550 single line definition A585100 8 lines of little relevance A472808 3 lines A136108 5 lines
Happiness, sodding A546158 Another 9 line view, but not of much help
A guide to happiness A367733 researchers own page, with a weird sense of humour, not relevant here.
What is happiness? What is sadness? A348617 5 line definition
Joy and happiness A671168 2 lines and a couple of lines of smiley characters
Happiness is A189371 a few lines of text but nothing of relevance
Route to happiness A420616 15 lines thinking aloud about his life

Is hedonism an adequate theory of happiness? A282098 could have come from a text book, quite long.
Denial is the secret of happiness A638589 denial club, think it’s another attempt at a joke
Don’t you lonely ladies ever excuse me of not trying to find you happiness A628715 a single link, no text.
The happiness of inventing words A202249 2 lines, still waiting for him or her to start inventing!!!
Does Utopia/Bliss/Happiness really exist A326134 5 lines
Emotion A503731 one screen full, part theory part experience.

Spells and customs for achieving happiness A735789 a look at folklore in relation to happiness. Another version at A699825
There is no way to happiness- happiness is the way (the Buddha) A554032 single graphic no text.
Zen guide to picking lottery numbers and ultimate happiness A140239 – nothing to do with happiness here.
Virgil’s happiness dispensary A519338 researchers page, nothing relevant

Any suggestions to pages that should be added to this index

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