Tribute to My Father
Created | Updated Mar 6, 2011
A number of h2g2ers have lost loved ones recently. In addition to offering them our love and support, we at feel privileged to be able to share their tributes. Memories like this are gifts to us all. Thanks to cactuscafe for sharing them.
Tribute to My Father
Hey Dad:

You were a magic lantern-light guiding me through the chaotic and precarious wonder of my childhood world.
You were my artistic inspiration. You showed me how to draw beetles with a biro.
Around you, the world was a place of mystery and enchantment.
Your conversation was wide-ranging, from the Cosmic-Christ to Charlie Chaplin, from Carl Jung to broad-beans. From theology, via ecology, to cosmology.
A few days before you died, I told you that when I was about seven, I saw the pattern of the entire universe in the centre of a tulip in your garden. You said you never knew that. I am glad I told you.