A Conversation for Beggar's Belief

Alternative Writing Workshop: A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 1

World Service Memoryshare team

Entry: Beggar's Belief - A819821
Author: Researcher 200454 - U200454

This entry has been moved to the alternative writing workshop.

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 2


and a jolly good entry it is too. And well travelled... smiley - ok

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 3


Has nobody read this since it arrived in the AWW? If not, it's a shame, coz it really is great. smiley - sadface

It was featured in The Post some time back... I hope someone read it there...

anyway, this post will get it back to the top of the list for a while, so at least it will get some 'visibility'.

*pondering the thing about trees falling down in rainforests and not making any sound*

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 4

Tonsil Revenge (PG)

The bit about the trip to Mecca eludes me. Were the beggars supposedly saving up for it?

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 5

a girl called Ben

This IS good, you are right Spiff.

One of the things which I am doing here is trying to work out what would and would not be a suitable Underguide entry. I think this would, but I am curious to know what other Underguiders think.

Comments anyone?


A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 6

LL Waz

I enjoyed reading this, it paints a quite evocative picture. Two bits; "It turns out that as" and "More curious than ever " jarred with me a bit though. They didn't fit the feel of the rest of the piece. I was confused about the trip to Mecca too but eventually decided the author of the '70s book was suggesting the six beggars were returned pilgrims from Mecca. I don't know if it's something in the article or my poor geography that caused the confusion? At least I'm in tonsilrevenge's company in being confused there.

And my unpractised underguiding opinion is; it's good but it could be really good if the author were here to make some very small changes (in my admittedly unqualified to make a judgement judgement). Which is frustrating, come back Researcher 200434. This makes it borderline UG for me.

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 7


hello underguidelings, smiley - ok

Yes, this is a good example of exactly the type of thing that will never get a look-in in PR, but certainly should be more accessible to h2g2 browsers.

A dead cert under-uber-selection. smiley - smiley


A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 8


This is a good piece.

It's unsentimental and well observed, moving and decently written. I think it does need a little bit of polishing, mostly the odd bit of grammar change to make it a smooth read, but nothing major.

I don't see that it needs so much changing that the researcher being absent should be a barrier to it getting into the UG.

smiley - orangefish

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 9

Fattylizard - everybody loves an eggbee

I must say , I agree. This is a very good piece.

I also think that the changes that are needed are a question of style, not content. Even then, I would say it only needs some minor ammendments.

A strong canditate, I feel.

Fattysmiley - dragon

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 10


Ooh thanks for bumping this up, you two.

I think this is a strong piece. It leaves you thinking, and the last few sentences are somewhat poignant

It isn't too long either. I liked this. Definitely worth reading smiley - smiley

smiley - blacksheep

A819821 - Beggar's Belief

Post 11


Idefinately think this is do-able for the UG. a little polish required but nothing too much


Post 12

UnderGuide Editors

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