A Conversation for Wheel Barrow

Flea Market: A817698 - Wheel Barrow

Post 1

World Service Memoryshare team

Entry: Wheel Barrow - A817698
Author: Alondar, keeper of answers to unasked questions(G.O.W.) - U202048

This entry has moved to the flea market.

A817698 - Wheel Barrow

Post 2

Trout Montague

I'll have a go, but give me time and space. A948279.

And feel free to drop me some hints.


A817698 - Wheel Barrow

Post 3

World Service Memoryshare team

Dear DMT,

A description of one would be good - there's those funky ones with a big ball rather than a wheel as well as the usual type.

A section on who uses wheel barrows perhaps? (Have a word with your groundsman smiley - winkeye)

I'm not sure about the history bit - but it could be true.

I'll take it out of flea market. Have fun smiley - ok


A817698 - Wheel Barrow

Post 4

Trout Montague

Will do Anna. I plan a bit about Chinese Sailing Wheelbarrows, which have a large (say 1m diameter) front wheel and needless to say a sail. Geoffrey Howard, a parish priest from Manchester, pushed one across the Sahara in 1974-75.


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