Wheel Barrow

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The wheel barrow is an amazing invention used for carrying heavy goods around places of labour such as constuction sites and gardens. It is also occasionally, used for human transport although this is not -advised as wheel-barrows were not designed for such purposes.


The wheel barrow was first invented by the chinese during the Han dynasty (206B.C. - 8A.D.) and was used by farmers taking goods to market and by the military for bringing wounded and dead men off the battle-feild. MArco Polo lays claim to bringing the wheel barrow to the western world in the 13th century. However there are now claims he never saw china as a result of his complete lack to mention the great wall. If this claim is true then we can thank a catholic preist by the name of Francis Xavier who traveled there in the 1500's.


The wheel barrow consists of four main parts; the wheel, the bucket, the stands and, the handles. The wheel is positioned at the front of the wheel barrow and helps the stands hold up the bucket which covers the front two thirds while the handles extending from the back make up the final third.

How to use a Wheel-Barrow

When using a wheel barrow you must first place your burdenous object in the bucket then walk around to the back of the wheelbarrow stand between the handles. Grasp one in each hand then lift the rear of the wheel barrow so that the stands are lifted off the ground and the wheel barrow rests only on its wheel. You are now free to manouvre the wheelbarrow to your destination.

WARNING: With exesively heavy loads sharp turns may result in the wheelbarrow falling on its side.

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