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A cowboy resting his feet on his patio.

Who am I?

Hello. Thanks for stopping in. Please feel free to say whatever you like...just as if you were in my home.
I live in the USA. Outside a small Village in Ohio: New London.
I built an huge log cabin in '96... inground heated pool...nice grey stone fire beams, a loft, 22' ceilings, you know, just the average cabin.
I have lots of woods. Most are wet land. The river runs all around the woods & cabin. There are Great Blue Heron who live in a spot just off my North porch. There are many animals here. I may be the wildest though. smiley - biggrin
I have a blue doberman named 'Belle' who likes to have her butt rubbed & sleeps under a blanket. Don't let her cute face fool you.
She's a bit like me...a wolf in sheeps...well you get the drift.
I play all musical things. I was in a rock band about 100 years ago. And I always dated fellows who were in bands...I've met many of the greats! MANY.
I am Cherokee Indian. My mom was full blooded. Paternal side comes from a small place in the Carpathion Mts. (hope I spelled that right) They were wine makers for a Count. So, I guess I come by my wild streak honestly! smiley - biggrin
I love to travel...anywhere, anytime. I LOVE to fly & scuba dive!
When I'm home in the Summer I hang a hammock between two trees & sleep in the woods as often as possible. (with my trusty 38. - never can tell who might come along)
I have long black hair...big brown eyes...& you can just make up the rest as you get to know me. *wink* ~Peace Out~Pandora

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Tango dancersA cat looking for her ideal mateA couple getting close, Tango dancing.

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Come and find me atThe Crossed Purposes Pub

I'm in there most times and I'll let you try to drink me under the table if you are really good, and even if you're not!!!!smiley - winkeye

Otherwise, come and find me in the Church Of The Born Again Tart

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