A Conversation for Talking Point: National Poetry Day

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A814132 - Talking Point: National Poetry Day

Post 1


Entry: Talking Point: National Poetry Day - A814132
Author: Mina - U290

No - wait
It's past the date
What shate
Still, it's a poem
In my slate
Or should that be "opinion"?
Too soon, too late, too soon, too late . .
But only if you want to
Because it's the era of the
Illusion of choice
And bring me that crate

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A814132 - Talking Point: National Poetry Day

Post 2


shopping list:

1 large plastic tarp
2 boxes industrial garbage bags
1 hacksaw
1 shovel
2 bottles wine
various party favors
10 thank you cards

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A814132 - Talking Point: National Poetry Day

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