Brief Description of Researcher 206231

Researcher: 206231
Race: Human
Preferred Name: Brandon


The subject seems obsessed with creating drawings on various flat surfaces for the purposes of reproduction, which he refers to as "editioning". This includes drawing through an acid-resistant ground onto a zinc or copper plate, and then placing the metal plate into an acid bath composed of either nitric or phosphoric acid. The subject also creates complicated drawings on giant pieces of limestone, which he finds infinitely frustrating and is most certainly decreasing his life expectancy. To release tension from the previous activity, he attacks planks of various woods with gouges and then crushes them in a device he refers to as a 'printing press'.

BS in Computer Information Systems and Fine Art
currently in the foolish pursuit of a graduate degree in Printmaking

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Hi Brandon.... Oct 14, 2002


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Terrible Ways to Prepare for and Conduct A Date Oct 24, 2002 Oct 26, 2002


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Researcher U206231


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