A Conversation for The Terranic Army

Signing in room

Post 3821



smiley - laugh


Signing in room

Post 3822

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

smiley - erm

Signing in room

Post 3823

The Rogue aka Phoniex

meep ?

Signing in room

Post 3824

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - ermYes, sort of.

Signing in room

Post 3825

The Rogue aka Phoniex

mwahaha smiley - evilgrin

Signing in room

Post 3826

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs


Signing in room

Post 3827

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

*scratches head*

This place seems to have copped it. Whats the deal with the ole Terranicals ATM, Soldier?

Signing in room

Post 3828

The Rogue aka Phoniex

If I knew what that was I'd tell you

Signing in room

Post 3829

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

I@ve just found out. They're being reborn... um... I can get the adress on that if you want.

Signing in room

Post 3830


See my page. There should be a link to it there. Or at least a link (in large letters) to a link smiley - erm

Signing in room

Post 3831


*is confused*

smiley - huh

Signing in room

Post 3832


"*is confused*"

Verc (me) is currently performing CPR on the Terranic Army with the assistance of some upstanding members of h2g2 smiley - smiley

Signing in room

Post 3833


*is less confused*

I'm upstanding (well sort of smiley - silly) can I help?

Signing in room

Post 3834

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - ermI'm afraid I've been neclecting the army for a little while, apart from some very assertive posting in the barracks. I'll help rebuild, I think I've been a member for something like a year now, so I'm not gonna quit now!

Signing in room

Post 3835


Well each of you could help by going to the main page of Terrania (A820180) and go to the Main Terranic Throne Room and make yourself known. Incidently Terrania is now officially part of the h2g2 community (in the country side)

And the new army is going to be based around here :

Signing in room

Post 3836


Ralph if you get over there quick, you can probably (with some modifications) still use your pages. smiley - ok We could certainly use your experience and knowledge

Signing in room

Post 3837

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

smiley - ok! Eorlingas Regiment only needs an updated regiment listing and it'll be ready to go!

Signing in room

Post 3838


Just leave your stamp here : F97983?thread=386297 , and preferably also some where on the army page as well if you could smiley - ok

Signing in room

Post 3839

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

D'you know, I just did.

Signing in room

Post 3840


Excellent smiley - ok

When you get the chance, just speak with Reefgirl (and maybe Creachy as well) about how you would like to integrate your regiment smiley - ok

But I hope that we can get things up and going again, cos lets be honest *looks at the shattered remains of the old signing in room* : its a bit dead in here smiley - erm

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