A Conversation for Thirsty?


Post 41

Demon Drawer

Drink! Drink!!! Drink!

smiley - ale

Ah that's better. smiley - smiley

SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 42


I can't believe it, I missed most of the last quiz.. so I read the questions write my answers send them to Munchkin and then browse through the 'bar-chat' only to find the answers!! Oooops we've been at home to Captain cock-up or has he been promoted! Anyway, I guess this round will have to be scrapped, we wait with baited breath for the next set of questions.Time for another quick pint then!
Be lucky!

SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 43

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

I think munchkin should begin and end every post with the words "Don't post your answers here!"


SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 44


Plans are afoot to deal with this problem. I have purchased a big stick and hired a very politically incorrect stereotype to wield it, so you had better get it right next time.

SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 45


Obviously Chris and DreamRaven attend the same university - and probably have the same professors.

SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 46

Fate Amenable To Change

Arghhhhhhhhhhh YOU GITS!!!!!!!

SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 47



I'd like to point out that I'm very pleased that nobody else has yet pointed out that people started posting the answers here after I mentioned, in passing as it were, that I could answer one of the questions off the top of my head.

I'm hoping that it was a coincidence...

26199 (pleading innocence)

SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 48

Irving Washington - Gone Writing

No, it's not your fault. This happened once (_once_) in the last thread, too. So don't feel bad smiley - smiley


SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 49

The Ghost Of TV's Frink

*Wanders through*

SON OF PUB QUIZ - A Cecil B. DeMille Production

Post 50


Well, seeing as how the answer emails have mysteriously dried up, I think we shall move on to round two. Please note, I have moved the quiz to a page (ooo fancy) here http://www.h2g2.com/A292619 So, head there for your answers, scores, and the next round. I'll create a forum for registering so that, in a Misfit's Newsletter sort of way, I can let you know when things change. Oh, and pay close attention to the newly updated rules!

Key: Complain about this post