A Conversation for More Things You Wanted To Know About Loup.Dargent...


Post 1


The most flamboyant group of all time especially their marvellous irreplaceable Freddy Mercury.`


Post 2

Loup Dargent

yep, definitely...

nothing to add to that really...
i'm just glad that the site is linked to my page now...
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco


Post 3


Yeah definitely loup dargent Promoting Queen awareness is a VERY worthy cause cos they were so fantastic! Now Im goona try to get this posted to you`
Cos my digibox keeps turning blue`
And if something goes bump in the night`
Its this black box taking flight`
(not by spaceships either!!)`


Post 4

Loup Dargent

well i received it ok...
and got the message.. hehe...

when digibox plays up and you find it difficult to access the conversation a way has been found by yours truly to make it easier...
already romani angel has tried it and it works... [i think paladin tried it too]
type 360 in search box at the top...
then click "go"...
when list appears, press "360 homepage"...
look at the left-hand side of the page and click on "my space"...
go down the page and look for "my most recent conversation",,,

and you should be able to access any conversation...

you might have to do it everytime when the digibox doesn't behaves but at least you won't have frozen screens and you shouldn't have to unplug the machine so much for nothing...

this incredible trick making the life of digibox'users easier will be made known through a special page for Telewest LDers that an ACE will help me "build"...
smiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - discosmiley - disco
not bad for a newcomer... me thinks... hehe...


Post 5


Thanks a bunch for the tip, Ive written it all down so technobimbo here cannot go wrong! Yeah your Queen picture and access to their fan club should gladden many people*s hearts! Guess who got a R Gary translation ie book which is a translation Im sure youd thought it had slipped my candyfloss mind but Ill tell you later what I think Also another one is possible as well so Ill see this one "Promise at Dawn" I see just by looking inside he has written part of one of my fave poems RObert Frost It is "The woods are lovely, dark and deep (thenn RG comes in with the bit)`
But I have promises to keep `
And miles to go before I sleep."`
Ill bet you know the poem anyway, Thanks for that too loup, ie the info cos its all interesting.`

roman gary

Post 6

Loup Dargent

yeah there should be a few of his books translated...

i will have to look into it myself too as i might write something about the guy one day [with him being married to jean seberg and all that he does have a lot of connection with the english speaking world...]

also the guy wrote some books straight into english and then wrote the same in a french version...

french was his second language as he was from a russian family who found asylum in france...

a very interesting case as a writer and as a person...

talk later...

i'm still trying to drink my coffees... smiley - coffeesmiley - coffeesmiley - coffeesmiley - coffee hehe...

talk later...

and stay tuned as always...

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