A Conversation for Snarfing Spewdge
Alternative Writing Workshop: A810415 - Snarfing Spewdge
RingoZingo Started conversation Aug 23, 2002
Entry: Snarfing Spewdge - A810415
Author: RingoZingo - U200874
Here is a guide entry that I think people are really going to like.people should get a real kick out of it.Thank you for your connsideration.
A810415 - Snarfing Spewdge
LL Waz Posted Mar 3, 2003
Hi Ringozingo, I know you're not around at present, I'm talking to you in the hope that you might be back one day. Thankyou for the addition to my vocabulary .
As you're not around you won't know that the purpose of the Alternative Writing Workshop is changing. It's becoming more active and in order to keep it manageable we need to take out entries that are not developing or going anywhere from here.
Your vocabulary snippets are entaining, they might go somewhere if they were collected together. But as they stand I doubt it. So, doing my minesweeping duty I propose that this thread should be moved back to the entry. Although it's a toss up between being returned there or to the flea market where someone else might collect these pieces together. I wouldn't argue with that.
Any other opinions?
A810415 - Snarfing Spewdge
sprout Posted Mar 4, 2003
This one sounds painful.
Back to the entry, as per previous explanation.
A810415 - Snarfing Spewdge
a girl called Ben Posted Mar 4, 2003
This is one of a series - put together they might make a UG entry and they might not.
Is the author still around?
A810415 - Snarfing Spewdge
a girl called Ben Posted Mar 4, 2003
I have just put all of these entries together into a single new entry. The entry is here: A986934 and the AWW thread is here: F74130?thread=254001.
I am therefore proposing that the AWW threads for each of these smaller entries is moved back to the individual entries, and that the combined entry is considered for inclusion (or exclusion) from the UG on its own merits.
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Alternative Writing Workshop: A810415 - Snarfing Spewdge
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