'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure'- the film

2 Conversations

'Greetings my excellent friends'

That is the first line of the 1988 cult comedy that is 'Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure', and also helped kick-start Keanu Reeves' acting career. It also made use of the air guitar!

'I am Bill S. Preston Esquire!'

'And I am Ted "Theadore" Logan!'

'Together, we are known as "Wyld Stallyns!"

The film starred Alex Winter (who also starred in 'Freaked!') and Keanu Reeves (the guy from the even more famous 'The Matrix') as the original Beavis and Butt-head without the crudeness.

Bill S. Preston (Winter) and Ted 'Theadore' Logan (Reeves) are two budding guitarists that can't play, and two failing idiots at the San Dimas High School in California.

In the year 1988, Bill and Ted are failing History, and unless they get an A+ in their oral report, Ted will be sent to Colonal Oat's Military Academy in Alaska, splitting the 'Wyld Stallyns' and therefore never becoming the successful rock band they want to be.

This is where Rufus, played by George Carlin, comes in. He's sent from the year 2688 (in a time travelling telephone booth) to make sure that Bill and Ted pass History...

'Be excellent to each other'

To help Bill and Ted, Rufus supplies them with a telephone booth and a 'phone book. By typing in the right number, followed by the '*' and '#' keys the booth would take them to anywhere in time.

Thus begins B and T's most excellent adventure through time, collecting famous people to use in their report including Napoleon ('the short dead dude'), Joan of Arc ('Noah's wife') and Beethoven ('the Van Halen of his time').

As it turns out, Bill and Ted do get their A+'s thus securing the future of the band.

The film was so successful that it spawned a sequel in 1991 (Bill and Ted's Bogus Journey).

'Party on dudes!

The Characters

Bill Preston (Alex Winter):- The 'smarter' of the two main characters. Bill's best friend is obviously Ted, and is easily distinguished as the one with blonde hair.

Ted Logan (Keanu Reeves):- Most distinguished by the black waist coat. When Bill and Ted meet themselves, to prove that the other Bill/Ted are really them, Ted asks what number they're thinking of. The reply is a quick: "Sixty-Nine dudes!"

Rufus (George Carlin):- The man sent from 2688, to help Bill and Ted pass their History report and also presents B and T with two new guitars for their passing A plusses.

'The Princesses' (Diane Franklin and Kimberley LaBelle):- Joanna and Elizabeth. Two princesses from Medieval England who later get saved by Rufus from a 'royal ugly dude'.

'Wyld Stallyns':- The band that consists of Bill, Ted, and maybe Eddie Van Halen, as soon as they get a triumphant video, which can't be done until they learn how to play, which can't be done until they have Eddie Van Halen...

'Missy' (Amy Stock-Poynton):- Bill's stepmom who everyone has the hots for. Bill constantly says 'Hi Missy- I mean Mom...'

Napoleon (Terry Camilleri):- The first historic character to be taken through time. When Bill and Ted decide to go back for more people, Napoleon is given to Ted's little brother Deacon to look after. Napoleon is involved in some of the film's funniest moments involving a bowling alley, the term 'piggy-wiggy' and a trip in a water park named Waterloo...

A totally non-heinous (that's good) movie and the sequel was well anticipated...

But I don't think the movie is for those who aren't happy with grammatical errors (on purpose) or 'dude' references..!

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