A Conversation for Communism

A806492 - Communism vs. America

Post 41

SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout)

Reading the comments, and the Entry, I'd guess that things have changed quite a bit.

There are a few misspellings, and GuideML would help greatly. However, the SubEditors can fix these with little problem.

I'm recommending it now. However, I cannot guarantee that this will pass through the system; it is a tad edgy as it stands, but moving a few comments to footnotes, adding subheaders, and correcting the spelling will probably be enough.

Let's see what happens...



A806492 - Communism vs. America

Post 42

Otto Fisch ("Stop analysing Strava.... and cut your hedge")

Sorry, but I really don't think this can go into the edited guide, as it contains a number of factual inaccuracies about communism, and some opinions passed off as fact. It has improved, I think, but it's through the removal of some sections rather than adding anything new. I don't think that the substance of many of the comments in this thread have been addressed.

In particular, the first and third paragraphs don't show enough understanding of what communism is. Granted, I have a background in political philosophy - and I certainly don't want the edited guide to become the preserve of "experts", but this really cannot, IMO, stand as anything like a comprehensive entry on communism.



Post 43


How can you possibly pick this when there are a whole bunch of comments in the PR thread left totally unadressed; particularly the fact that this piece is totally INACCURATE!!!!!!!!!

I think if stuff like this can be picked, it completely devalues the whole 'edited' guide principle.

Smart, hi, smiley - smiley. have you read the thread? have you read the piece? Do you know what the word 'communism' means?

Did you really want to recommend this? Can scouts be 'relieved of their responsibilities'?

just kidding, :D


*still no offence to the author, though Q doesn't seem to have been terribly repsonsive in this thread so probly isn't reading...*


Post 44


ok, i haven't read the whole thread, but by simply reading the entry i know this is not ready for the edited guide. it doesn't include all the information on communism. it doesn't say when/where/who were the first to implement communism, how it worked/didn't, how other people/countries viewed communism etc. there is so much more this entry needs before it is ready to go into the edited guide.



Post 45


I have to agree ... few if any of the points raised in PR have been addressed, so I was rather surprised to see this picked.

I still maintain that it could get into the guide, but it will need very substantial altering first. It seems that Quaxleduck is either unable or unwilling to make those changes, though I would be happy to be proved wrong ...

Gif smiley - geek


Post 46

Researcher 188007

This entry is every bit as unedifying as when I first read it. It is basically still a largely uninformed rant against communism.

Besides, the author didn't even take up on my earlier suggestion for an entry on US attitudes to communism, and why left-wing ideas have always had such little hold in America. smiley - cross Oh well smiley - smiley

smiley - panda


Post 47

SmartGamer, Keeper of That Which Breaks Down Easily [(11*5)-(4*2+5)=42] (Scout)

You should be glad to know that my selection was rejected. At the time I made the pick, I was more than half asleep; I apologize for my poor judgement. (It's my first week as a Scout...)


Not Ready Yet

Post 48


This entry needs more work doing to it before it goes into the Edited Guide. You can't talk about Communism without talking about Lenin, Stalin, Five-year Plans, The Cold War - and that's just the USSR! What about Chairman Mao and little red books? Marx didn't necessarily 'invent' the idea of Communism, anyway. 'Communism' in the loose sense of the word had been floating around for a while.

It's a good start, but this entry most definitely needs more depth and research for it to do justice to the subject matter.

Why don't you consider removing this entry from PR and submitting it to the Writing Workshop. There you can ask questions and get help with further research from other Researchers. smiley - smiley

Not Ready Yet

Post 49

Mister Matty

I agree, this entry really shouldn't be in PR.

It's an opinion-piece and sounds like the sort of thing someone might say to you in a pub during a light-hearted discussion on political philosophy. It's not completely wrong (the part about Communism's main problem being Marx's inability to understand people is pretty spot-on) but some of it is silly (America is against it, so are Australia and Britain "to a lesser extent" (?!) - seems to suggest only these nations have/had anti-communist establishments, ignoring France, Italy, Germany et al). The title "Communism v America" is also misleading.

Putting it into the writing workshop might be a good idea, as someone said above, try and flesh it out a bit.

Not Ready Yet

Post 50

fords - number 1 all over heaven

I'd have to agree with the above comments from people too.

And there are also quite a few entries in the Guide dealing with communism too. I'm not sure it'd get in just as it is at the moment smiley - erm

Not Ready Yet

Post 51


You are all being very polite, but this piece needs more than a 'little reworking' to be complete.

Any input from Q?

Not Ready Yet

Post 52


This is definitely not ready to be edited yet, but If Quaxle comes back he could possible improve it. One typo I spotted which give a slightly wrong meaning to a sentance:

One of Marx's main ideas was that money corrupts, and that good should be distributed egually through the people.

good should be goods, doesn't mean the same thing at all.


A806492 - Communism

Post 53

Martin Harper

Just fixing the title

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