
5 Conversations

Communism is the system by which money is spread equally throughout the people (so that no-one is elevated or degraded - at least, that's the IDEA), allowing the government, who dish out the goods, to seize control for themselves. Communism - when it is put into action - basically works in a manner so that everyone is prevented from developing a sense of identity or intelligence, masking the dictatorship which often lies hidden beyond.

The famous author Orwell criticised communism (as well as capitalism) in his novels "Animal Farm" and "1984", describing situations where power and freedom were promised, but all the time the public were oppressed and the government (represented by pigs in "Animal Farm" and the Inner Party in "1984") had complete control and lived in luxury, until eventually they became what they had, at first, despised (mainly Capitalists - people who will do anything to get money or whatever else they want: research "Americans").

The idea of communism was created by Karl Marx. The problem with Marx's theories is that he didn't take people into account, and therefore did not consider that his system might easily be corrupted. On paper, it is easy to see the appeal of communism. When it is represented in the real world, it becomes subject to human fault and error.

One of Marx's main ideas was that money corrupts, and that good should be distributed egually through the people. Obviously Marx believed that if you spread the items around, everyone would become slightly corrupted, and therefore all of the corruption would not be noticed. America dislikes this kind of thinking because they prefer to keep the corruption in the hands of the really powerful people, who are used to it and know how to handle it. Australia and England are also against it, although to a lesser extent, striving desperately to attract the praise and attention of the USA.

Communism is a well-planned, all-embracing system. However, until we can find some way to erase human fault, it will probably never take purchase in the real world (although, admittedly, it has worked quite well in China, who are hot contendors - with America as rivals - for the titles of "Most Powerful Nation" and "Nation who Butts in to Other Peoples' Business Which has Nothing to do With Them Anyway.")

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