A Conversation for Talking Point: The Subtle Art of Flirting


Post 1


ok, this is my own personal take.

Forget about rules, regulations and the bit that states 'If you like someone, wrap your left pinky round your right ankle while waggling your ears' 'cos it doesn't really seem to mean what the experts will tell you it means (unless of course you find an expert that tells you you will probably end up with a hernia - in this case) smiley - smiley

Flirting is simply that - communicating in an adult fashion while having fun. The most important thing I think is just to enjoy the experience, and get rid of any hang-ups you might think you have. As long as your relaxed and having fun you don't need to know at what point you should turn your ankle 20 Degrees to line it up with your elbow.

If it develops into something meaningfull for you both, then great, If it doesn't I'm sure at the very least you will learn something usefull while having a fun time.

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