A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati

The Seaside

Post 1

Researcher 168814

You are standing on the shore. The sun is shining, the sand is warm. The water is aprox. 21°C and it is rather shallow. There are rocks looking out of the water and you can see gulls flying overhead and swans swimming a bit out from the shore.

smiley - schooloffish

The Seaside

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

*appears in the distance, leisurely strolling along the water's edge, bare foot, a straw hat decorated with flowers on her head to shelter her nose that is already red from the sun*

The Seaside

Post 3


*walks out of the forest and takes her shoes off*
*notices Titania*

Hi, Ti! smiley - smiley

Lovely day, isn't it? I am looking for some pink stones to put into the flowerpots...

The Seaside

Post 4

Titania (gone for lunch)

Hi Hati!smiley - smiley

Stones? I wonder if there is any amber along this beach...hmmm... *digs down her toes into the warm sand*

Yes, it is a lovely day - perfect for a day on the beach, with a nice, cool, refreshing breeze from the sea...

The Seaside

Post 5


*sits on the sand and looks around*

It's quite quiet here today, even the sea seems to be slow...
I think I'll go swimming now. smiley - smiley
Er, I must have some extra towels in my bag, care to join?

The Seaside

Post 6

Titania (gone for lunch)

I'd love to! *unties her loincloth and drops it on the sand*

By the way - why koala?

The Seaside

Post 7


Oh, my shrink wanted me to describe how I feel myself in relationships. Koala, said I. That's why. smiley - winkeye

*ducks out of her dress and into the waves*

The Seaside

Post 8

Researcher 168814

*comes panting out of the forrest*

Hi, Titania... seen Hati? Oh, I think I see her in the water...

How´s it feel in there?

The Seaside

Post 9


Hei, E! The water is so great! Don't hesitate... smiley - tongueout

The Seaside

Post 10

Researcher 168814

*prods feet into the water...*

*takes of clothes and plunges in... has a look at the wildlife under water... returns to surface*

Phew... perhaps a bit fresh...

The Seaside

Post 11



...and quite wet smiley - tongueout

The Seaside

Post 12

Titania (gone for lunch)

Speaking of underwater wildlife - did you see my cousins the sea elves down there?


*dives into the water*

The Seaside

Post 13


Lovely... smiley - smiley

I think I'll go out now and have a cigarette.

The Seaside

Post 14

Researcher 168814

*leaves the water*

Wet all right...

*sits down for a ===smiley - star~~~*

*watches the swans*

The Seaside

Post 15


===smiley - star~~

A coffee would be nice now...

The Seaside

Post 16

Researcher 168814

Let´s go back to the house... I´d make some and have it on the Veranda... I mean: Look at that sun! should be beautiful this evening...


The Seaside

Post 17


Titania, would you like to join us? smiley - smiley

The Seaside

Post 18


*puts on the clothes and heads to the house*

The Seaside

Post 19

Researcher 168814

*goes back to the house...*

The Seaside

Post 20

Titania (gone for lunch)

*head pops up in the water*

I might come by later - I've got to see my (distant) cousin Seasil's newborn daughter!smiley - smiley


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