A Conversation for The Summerhouse of Hati
Bob the Dinosaur Posted Nov 18, 2005
that's a fact.. I am a dinosaur
and yes, I was on a short holiday, but I'm glad to see the brewery survived
I needed that
mmm.. have to get used to the taste, just
one more
Bob the Dinosaur Posted Nov 18, 2005
Tartaronne.. thank you, yes, I was .. out for some time
but I'm back and roaring to go
And how are things over here? still the same ?? (* yes, that's right.. I skipped the backlog *)
Bob the Dinosaur Posted Nov 21, 2005
correct.. and .. talk about return to normal, do you think we can install some electronic control in the brewery? do some process automation? add instrumentation, add controllers, all that?
Hapi - Hippo #5 Posted Nov 21, 2005
ah yeah, good plan. And the good news is that Hati knows all about instrumentation and electrical installations
Hati Posted Nov 21, 2005
Let me see... I know about handling waste water, turbo generators, refiner, conveyer, and the other big thing I was afraid of and didn't went to see. Do you think you could use those?
Bob the Dinosaur Posted Nov 21, 2005
yeah.. the basic idea is the same, and the only big things around here are the kettle and me
probably the kettle is the most dangerous one of us
Key: Complain about this post
- 81: Bob the Dinosaur (Oct 24, 2005)
- 82: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Oct 24, 2005)
- 83: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Nov 11, 2005)
- 84: tartaronne (Nov 14, 2005)
- 85: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Nov 14, 2005)
- 86: Hati (Nov 14, 2005)
- 87: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Nov 14, 2005)
- 88: Hati (Nov 14, 2005)
- 89: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Nov 14, 2005)
- 90: Bob the Dinosaur (Nov 18, 2005)
- 91: tartaronne (Nov 18, 2005)
- 92: Bob the Dinosaur (Nov 18, 2005)
- 93: tartaronne (Nov 18, 2005)
- 94: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Nov 18, 2005)
- 95: Bob the Dinosaur (Nov 20, 2005)
- 96: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Nov 20, 2005)
- 97: Bob the Dinosaur (Nov 21, 2005)
- 98: Hapi - Hippo #5 (Nov 21, 2005)
- 99: Hati (Nov 21, 2005)
- 100: Bob the Dinosaur (Nov 21, 2005)
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