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am i being stupid?

Post 1

Lord Preston

i joined h2g2 ages ago, even b4 it was on the bbc, before moderation was invented, and before i could touch type! but now in my old age as a researcher i cannot for the life of me remember what month i joined h2g2 and i can't seem to find a way of finding out! am i missing something really obvious (other then my marbles) or is this a problem other people face?
oh i feel like such a fool!
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers
P.S. sad news about mark moxon isn't it!! go to my personal space to pay your final respects at his offical fan club!

am i being stupid?

Post 2

Post Team

leads to July 3rd!

I knew you must be July because you are so close to my number! smiley - winkeye

I always use the 'New Users' forum which the ACEs use and work in modifiers as you can see. It can turn up some quite interesting stats at times! smiley - smiley

Strange about the MM fan club - I know that I posted there very early on but can't see any sign of it now smiley - sadface

shazz smiley - magic

am i being stupid?

Post 3

Lord Preston

thanx shazz.
wow, 1999, seems like an age away!
you joined at about the same time as me? thats kinda cool.
just thinking bout things too and was wondering wether you have a weekly poetry slot in your paper?
Lord Preston OMFC smiley - cheers

am i being stupid?

Post 4

Post Team

Indeed we do! We used to have two - a slot for vogon poetry and a slot for normal smiley - winkeye
Check out the archives here: A660377 for a link to both sections smiley - winkeye

shazz smiley - magic

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