A Conversation for The Post Horror Scope

[Still in a trance from 2 weeks ago]

Post 1

Pan, the piper at the gates of dawn

smiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donutsmiley - donut

I hope none of the June researchers try to steal moon rocks from NASA.

[Still in a trance from 2 weeks ago]

Post 2


~Greebo tries to click her fingers...~

Are you feeling better now??? ~grin~

Better rocks from the moon than from Uranus me says... ~wink~

[Still in a trance from 2 weeks ago]

Post 3

Pan, the piper at the gates of dawn

*blinks several times*

Where am I, and where have all my doughnuts gone? Oh, you're back. Strange....seems like you just left.

*eyes glaze over again*

[Still in a trance from 2 weeks ago]

Post 4


Oh dear... hmm... looks like me will have to read the last chapter of 'Hypnosis for Beginners' after all...

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