A Conversation for Talking Point: What makes a good website?
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AshyRaine Started conversation Aug 9, 2002
I personally think that sites that are mucked up with a lot of banners are a pain in the arse when waiting for them to load...and I dunno...Too many of them is just tacky. Sure, sure, you know how to do graphics and are very proud of this. Why not offer to do some for others? I put a *few* banners on the link ssection of my site, but that is only because the people that I was linking to asked for me to do this. One of them even refuses to show up now thanks to Angelfire (which was that person's server of choice..not mine) >_< I went for frames *gasp* I know that not all browsers support them, but to me it was the easy way out of having to put a menu on every single page. I'll most likely make a non-frames site as well if people complain enough, but they haven't so far. I also went with one color for the background on all of the site. I utilize a table for the news on the front page and also in the section on The Letter People to make things a bit easier on the eyes. Wow..I sure did ramble a bunch..But to cut things short: I hate clutter
Clutter is bad
zapart Posted Aug 9, 2002
I totally agree with ya on that one. If you HAVE to have clutter, then have them in different sizes.. trust me.
Clutter is bad
AshyRaine Posted Aug 9, 2002
:D Yeah, different sizes would help a bit...That and placing the danged banners in an aesthetically pleasing manner ^_^ Hmm..and smaller file sizes helps as well. I've been to some pages that take longer to load than a Flash page. Well..anyways off to school and work I go!
Clutter is bad
E G Mel Posted Aug 13, 2002
To get round using frames and to still have an easily updatable menu on every page use vitual includes, they work brilliantly! Just put them in a table which is the same on every page eg:
¦include virtual="header.htm" ¦
¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ Body which changes on each page ¦
¦menu.htm ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
¦ ¦ ¦
If you save an empty version every time you want a new page you just fill it in and save it as a different filename. If you need to edit the menu/header you can do so in the include files.... easy!
If you're feeling really swish and are using something like dreamweaver you can even make it a template so if you change the table size it updates all your pages too!
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