The Who and What about Zapart

Born in Norway somewhere inbetween the crinkly bits in 1973, she still is surprisingly childish :-P.

Computergames as Heros of Might and Magic IV and internet-games as Utopia takes up important cakebaking time or vacuming-time. :-D

She also reads lots of fantasy and will most probably contribute with something regarding the genre fantasy, be it about an author or about a book the she feels really really deserves an entry of its own. She is actually reading the triology of five for the very first time right now, and loves it dearly.

She was a student for many years, but had to stop because the state wouldn't give her any more money. Working as a journalist became way to much hazzle, and she is now working in a printshop making studentpapers and odd layout jobs. She probably won't be doing this for long, as she wants new things and new stuff all the time

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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