A Conversation for The Human Shoulder - a joint report

Edited Guide Writing Workshop: A783678 - The Human Shoulder - a joint report

Post 1


Entry: The Human Shoulder - a joint report - A783678
Author: Friar, the BigDawg - U158503

This is the initial page for my University of life project on The Human Shoulder.

Bels is subbing this piece, but I thought I would set the first page in WW to gather some opinions. There are links to all the other pages, and I'll be getting and conversation threads posted to the other pages.



A783678 - The Human Shoulder - a joint report

Post 2

Monsignore Pizzafunghi Bosselese

Just did a quick glance through it, and it looks impressive!

Your link to 'The scapula..' doesn't work because of a surplus colon in there, and rather than directly linking to external .gif/.jpg, you should link to the html that contains them. There's a danger that some moderator is unable to see them and might pull the entry down smiley - yikes

See also F63189?thread=198928 , "What's wrong with links to .PDF files?"

A783678 - The Human Shoulder - a joint report

Post 3


Yeah, I was wondering about linking directly to the image, but the page that holds the site has a bunch of other info on it. I'm not sure what to do. I'll remove the link alltogether for now.

I'm still fishing for nice pictures tho'.

ps. thanks for the heads up.

A783678 - The Human Shoulder - a joint report

Post 4


Did this project get anywhere?

smiley - panda

A783678 - The Human Shoulder - a joint report

Post 5


The author has elvised - I say back to entry as it was a whole project, and I hope the author will come back.

smiley - panda

A783678 - The Human Shoulder - a joint report

Post 6

Mr. Dreadful - But really I'm not actually your friend, but I am...

Seconded, added to list.

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