A Conversation for 4th Annual H2G2 Bikini Competition - Voting

Vote For Kristina, The Flamenco Dancer

Post 1


If you wish to vote for KRISTINA THE FLAMENCO DANCER, please say so here:

Vote For Kristina, The Flamenco Dancer

Post 2


I'm voting for Kristina because she is not only wearing a very elegant bikini, but because she is also great fun smiley - smiley

Vote For Kristina, The Flamenco Dancer

Post 3

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Good for you Caerwyn smiley - ok

Vote For Kristina, The Flamenco Dancer

Post 4

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

Caerwynn, don't sell yourself short.
The bikini that you described for
yourself is great, too.

Sorry, Kristina, I can't picture
what you're wearing....smiley - sadface

Vote For Kristina, The Flamenco Dancer

Post 5

Kristina the Flamenco Dancer - PS of Duende, Muse

*sweeping in*

Thanks Caer - you are a dear!smiley - smooch

*swirls around to display her bikini, hips swaying in the imagined rhythm of a latino dance*

*has a deep tan, with a bright red hibiscus flower in her dark hair, wearing a gold lamé bikini, bracelets of tiny white sea shells and a red scarf tied around hips, more fringes than scarf actually, accentuating the swaying of her hips*

Now back to the home made - I mean hand made (!) sand castle - I believe I have a lemon sorbet waiting for me!

*disappears in a golden flash*

Vote For Kristina, The Flamenco Dancer

Post 6


Voting is OVER. The results will be announced in smiley - thepost.

Vote For Kristina, The Flamenco Dancer

Post 7

paulh, vaccinated against the Omigod Variant

It's just as well the voting has ended.
Asking the contestants to stand around
in bikinis in this cold weather is not nice. smiley - sadface

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