A Conversation for Simple Terrific Trifle

Collaborative Writing Workshop: A773633 - Simple Terrific Trifle

Post 1

Researcher 197213

Entry: Simple Terrific Trifle - A773633
Author: Researcher 197213 - U197213

I have tried to cook trifle many times and it never seems to work out, but this recipie, you can't go wrong it is so simple and cheap. Something that everyone can enjoy.

A773633 - Simple Terrific Trifle

Post 2

Tonsil Revenge (PG)


A773633 - Simple Terrific Trifle

Post 3

Martin Harper

I'm not sure how exactly this would be 'collaborative'... perhaps if the author was after othe recipes for trifle, to mix them all together?

Anyhow, I doubt the author's coming back, so a month later and this'll be Flea Market bound... smiley - erm

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Collaborative Writing Workshop: A773633 - Simple Terrific Trifle

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