A Conversation for Notes from Around the Sundial: Pac-Man and the Universe
Search Engine Google
Recumbentman Started conversation Nov 9, 2010
Why 'Search Engine'? Is there another Google? Or are you writing for aliens who might not know what Google is?
Search Engine Google
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 9, 2010
Google make lots of stuff including Mail, Maps, Calendar and so on. And there are lots of other search engines. I generally use either Bing or Google.
I suppose I could have said "Google featured a version of Pacman on their search engine" but I think what I said was just as clear.
Search Engine Google
Recumbentman Posted Nov 9, 2010
It just looks a little pedantic; since you give a link, Google would have been sufficient; and the search engine is the primary image of Google, what everyone knows it for.
I made the mistake of mentioning 'the Atlantic hurricane' when writing up a cycling trip of August 2005, thinking the name Katrina would be forgotten. Just looks stupid now.
Search Engine Google
Gnomon - time to move on Posted Nov 9, 2010
Yes, you're right - thanks. But I have no way of changing it now, other than requesting the h2g2 Post Editors to change it, and I don't think it warrants that.
Search Engine Google
aka Bel - A87832164 Posted Nov 9, 2010
I'd be happy to change it, but I think it doesn't need changing. I'm one who hardly ever clicks on links, and although most people now think of the search engine first when hearing google, this may change in a few years to come, so personally, I think it is fine.
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Search Engine Google
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