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What *is* hootoo?

Post 21

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

Yes, that's what I wanted to show by posting the BBC weather site. And I also think that petrol blue is no proper blue.smiley - erm

What *is* hootoo?

Post 22


The point about decluttering the Front Page - it's good that you've decided to try and make it clearer and more user-friendly. But in your keenness to do this, I think you've possibly over-compensated and gone too far the other way. There are now gaping big holes between different elements and blank patches that just don't look very badly designed. I know the look has to fit in with the rest of the BBC sites - but this is an issue that other BBC sites don't necessarily have.

Decluttering's great. Big blank gaps aren't.

What *is* hootoo?

Post 23


"Just don't look very *well*-designed", sorry.

What *is* hootoo?

Post 24


About the categorisation on the Front Page: have a look at http://www.bbc.co.uk . Down at the bottom you'll see something not a million miles away from the new categorisation index.

1. It doesn't look in the least cluttered or messy.
2. It, of all pages, presumably fits the new guidelines.
3. I find it very useful and use it regularly.
4. The categorisation index would fit very well in that vast blank bit at the bottom of the new Front Page.

What *is* hootoo?

Post 25

Tavaron da Quirm - Arts Editor

a very good idea, KB!

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