A Conversation for Swords of Power - The Tolkien Collection


Post 1

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

You might have mentioned that Narsil cut the Ring from Sauron's hand.


Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Picky smiley - winkeye


Post 3

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

Very picky. And I think Elvish blades glow blue when evil is near.


Post 4


Not all elvish blades glowed blue, if they glowed at all. Glamdring did glow with the presence of evil, but the color varied from a white glow to blue, and the same with sting. the color of the luminescence was probably up to the bladesmith, and i think the elves had more imagination that to make ALL of them glow the same color. Sting, Glamdring, Anduril (which shone with a white and red flame), and Gurthang(who, though black, did have glowing edges) were the only swords that made thier own light. Elvish swords were of excellent craftmanship, but i doubt they ALL glowed... Sting and Glamdring were probably "special" blades.


Post 5

Ralph the Wonder Llama and André the dodo; Excrement Occurs

I should reread LotR on this, but I think it's suggested somewhere thatall elvish blades glow. Not really sure, though.

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