A Conversation for Swords of Power - The Saberhagen Collection

Add mine frost morn

Post 1

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

a rune blade originally maide by the lich king to held in the distruction and purging of all living things from the earth, luckerly it was found by me who was alreddy insane so couldent be driven insame by the sword smiley - tongueout
(fotr a better discription of it look at war craft 3)

Add mine frost morn

Post 2

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Ooo smiley - bigeyes

I have some of it's fellows at A762374 .... also check out A761951smiley - ok

Add mine frost morn

Post 3

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

are you goin to add it huh huh??
nice swords btw smiley - biggrin

Add mine frost morn

Post 4

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

My word yes ! I just need to do the research and flesh out the description.

Thanks for the comp - I like swords smiley - biggrin

Add mine frost morn

Post 5

Bob Gone for good read the jornal

heres what I know
it was origionally maide by the lich king who was created by the burning leagion (demons) to command the scurge (undead) to extingwish all life from the face of the earth and preper for the invasion by the leagion. the lich king maide the sword frost morn to trap and drive prince arthus insane so he could become the first of the lich kings death knights and alow the leagion to invade. the leagion weas driven back by the combined forces of the knight wlves and high elves and in the last battle the sword was lost. (to be found by me smiley - winkeye)the lich king and arthus the death knight both suvied the battle, the iorcs where seperated harf being enslaved by the leagion the other harf staying free. and the demi god of the knight elves was killed by the orcs even though they beat the leagion there power was gratly diminished untill he can return. thats about it from my end, the blizzard (who make the game)web sight my have more info

Add mine frost morn

Post 6

Red (and a bit grey) Dog

Done smiley - ok

Found some background info on the Warcraft website. If you'd like a revision let me know.

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