Swords of Power - The Saberhagen Collection

14 Conversations


Two swordsWho holds Coinspinner knows good odds
Whichever move he make
But the Sword of Chance, to please the gods
Slips from him like a snake.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Coinspinner is also known as the Sword of Chance and can be identified by the stylised dice on it's hilt. Unlike some of the other Swords of Power, Coinspinner makes no sound when it's magic is invoked. Coinspinner renders the sword bearer incredibly, magically lucky. Anyone attempting harm to the person in possession of Coinspinner has amazing bad luck in turn. Possibly one of the more powerful swords in the collection, Coinspinner is unique in that it moves itself around at random intervals, changing owners now and then, leaving even locked and sealed vaults to reappear in unexpected places. As a consequence it is not always available for hire.


Two swordsThe Sword of Justice balances the pans
Of right and wrong, and foul and fair.
Eye for an eye, Doomgiver scans
The fate of all folk everywhere.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Doomgiver is also known as the Sword of Jusice and has a stylised hollow circle on its hilt. It makes no sound when in use. Anyone attacking the wielder of Doomgiver suffers whatever injury he is trying to inflict appropriate to the nature of the attack, and the character of the attacker. Doomgiver is The Carnelian Knight's weapon of choice and as a consequence is mostly unavailable for hire.


Two swordsDragonslicer, Dragonslicer, how d'you slay?
Reaching for the heart in behind the scales.
Dragonslicer, Dragonslicer, where do you stay?
In the belly of the giant that my blade impales.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Dragonslicer is also known as the Sword of Heroes and has a stylised dragon on the hilt. It makes a shrilling sound when in battle. Dragonslicer penetrates easily the thickest armored scales and finds the vital spots of these otherwise almost invulnerable monsters but it does not guarantee the wielder against death or injury.


Two swordsFarslayer howls across the world
For thy heart, for thy heart, who hast wronged me!
Vengeance is his who casts the blade
Yet he will in the end no triumph see.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Farslayer is also known as the Sword of Vengence. On it's hilt is a stylised target of concentric rings. It's presence is known by a howling rush as it plunges into it's victim from afar. Farslayer when thrown at a foe will travel any distance necessary to reach it's intended target. Farslayer will unerringly skewer the victims heart (or in case of a demon, the physical object housing the life). No physical or magical barrier (except, of course, Shieldbreaker) is effective against Farslayer but it's very use deprives the bearer of it's use and exposes him to retaliation in kind.

The Mindsword

Two swordsThe Mindsword spun in the dawn's gray light
And men and demons knelt down before.
The Mindsword flashed in the midday bright
Gods joined the dance, and the march to war.
It spun in the twilight dim as well
And gods and men marched off to hell.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

The Mindsword has a stylised banner on its hilt. It makes the sound of a roaring crowd when in use. The Mindsword inspires fanatical loyalty, total obedience and worship of the wielder. This swords power is so great that it can even cause Gods to fall down and worship humans. Known not to work on Italics however.


Two swordsI shatter Swords and splinter spears;
None stands to Shieldbreaker.
My point's the fount of orphans' tears
My edge the widowmaker.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Shieldbreaker is also known as the Sword of Force and has a stylised hammer on the hilt. It makes a slow rhythmic thudding sound when danger threatens becoming more rapid in actual combat. Shieldbreaker will violently destroy any and all other weapons, physical or magical, passive or active. Armed with Shieldbreaker it would be possible for one H2G2 Knight to carve up an entire army (as long as they keep coming within reach) and survive unscratched. As a note of caution however, in prolonged fighting the wielder may become exhausted (even fatally so) as once in action Shieldbreaker cannot be dropped or turned off until the fight is over.

All other Swords are useless as weapons against the wielder of Shieldbreaker. For example a wielder cannot be tracked down by
Wayfinder or deceived by Sightblinder. However as Woundhealer is not a weapon able to inflict harm it is conjectural that a contest between these two swords could result in the potential destruction of Shieldbreaker. The only way to beat the wielder of Shieldbreaker is through non-weapon based means. Because of the nature of Shieldbreaker is such that the wielder cannot disengage from the sword they may be overpowered by a much weaker person than would normally be the case.

Shieldbreaker is out on loan (or stolen depending on your point of view) and is presently unavailable.


Two swordsThe Sword of Stealth is given to
One lonely and despised.
Sightblinder's gifts: his eyes are keen
His nature is disguised.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Sightblinder is also known as the Sword of Stealth and has a stylised human eye on the hilt. It makes no sound when in action. Sightblinder when drawn, causes others to see its wielder as someone they desperately fear, or desperately love (perception may switch from one to the other and back again). Sightblinder itself generally becomes invisible in use, thus can be used to strike a treacherous blow. A secondary and subtler effect is to enhance the user's perception of the true nature of anyone he or she sees.


Two swordsThe Tyrant's Blade no blood hath spilled
But doth the spirit carve
Soulcutter hath no body killed
But many left to starve.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Soulcutter is also known as the Tyrants Blade. It's hilt has no symbol nor does it make any sound unless abject despair has a sounds. Soulcutter on being drawn from its scabbard, induces utter, incapacitating hopelessness and despair. This begins with the person who draws it, spreading slowly to those nearby. Soulcutter's radius of operation seems to be enough to cover a fair-sized battlefield. Under Soulcutter's influence no human activity seems worth the effort and as a consequence whole armies may be induced to throw down their weapons. This Sword will prevail over the Mindsword when the two are brought into direct conflict.


Two swordsThe Sword of Siege struck a hammer's blow
With a crash, and a smash, and a tumbled wall.
Stonecutter laid a castle low
With a groan, and a roar, and a tower's fall.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Stonecutter is also known as the Sword of Siege and has a stylised wedge splitting a block on the hilt. It makes a slow, heavy hammering sound when in use. Stonecutter cuts stone of any kind (diamonds, granite, etc.) neatly and smoothly as cheese. It is particularly adept at for undermining forts, escaping from dungeons, setting ambushes and making forts and entrenchments.


Two swordsLong roads the Sword of Fury makes
Hard walls it builds around the soft
The fighter who Townsaver takes
Can bid farewell to home and croft.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Townsaver is also known as the Sword of Fury and has a stylised crenelated wall on its hilt. It makes a distinctive screaming sound when in use. In physical combat Townsaver is very similar in effect to Shieldbreaker but only under limited conditions such as when defending some place of human habitation like a castle, village, house, cave, etc. It also does not defend its wielder against harm.


Two swordsWho holds Wayfinder finds good roads
Its master's step is brisk.
The Sword of Wisdom lightens loads
But adds unto their risk.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Wayfinder is also known as the Sword of Wisdom and has a small stylised white arrow on the hilt pointing to the pommel. It makes no sound but quivers in the hand when in action. Wayfinder aims itself physically, geographically, twisting in the hand to point in the direction of whatever goal user asks for. If necessary Wayfinder will point, unerringly, to the proper intermediate goal or destination, person, place, or thing.


Two swordsWhose flesh the Sword of Mercy hurts has drawn no breath;
Whose soul it heals has wandered in the night,
Has paid the summing of all debts in death
Has turned to see returning light.

- Fred Saberhagen, First Book of Swords

Woundhealer is also known as the Sword of Mercy or the Sword of Love. On it's hilt is a stylised open hand. It makes the sound of human breath. Woundhealer is not actually a weapon. When plunged into a body it causes no pain or damage but to the contrary it heals any injuries or disease, as long as spark of life remains. Woundhealer will therefor be unable to raise the dead or restore youth but it can be used to prevent death. For example a man can hold this Sword embedded in his flesh and jump off a cliff, or face an armed attack, without being hurt more than momentarily.

Woundhealer may possibly be effective against Shieldbreaker

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