A Conversation for A colony on the moon

You were lucky

Post 1

Researcher 51784 PROF

Me and the bank manager knew something you did not, ie it was tried before. The people who were responsible for the colinisation of planet earth sent the same set of space ships to the moon as well as mars venus and jupiter. they also triedto colinise that little star just out side our visual limits but in line with epsilon of the southern cross. all the other attempts failed to take root and so nearly too did this one. Many of the early primate types lasted only a few hundred thousand years before sucumbingto the various reasons that caused their extinctions. All trace of the moon colony has disapeared from the face of the moon but will one day be uncovered buried deep in the dust that we call The Sea Of Tranquility. Yes you were lucky that the bank manager had done a bit of history and saved you from bankruptcy.

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