A colony on the moon

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Today I went to the bank to submit my idea of starting a colony on the moon, as the project would be rather expensive i was appealing to our lovely seedy slant eyed deviuos bank manager in our lovely little suburban town way down here near antartica, which unfortunately has been desribed by "Sir bob" as the quote "asshole of the world" unquote, well anyway, thats another story, as for the situation with the bank, I was most distressed as they thought I was completely stark raving mad, and would,nt beleive any of my documents showing the phenominal profits of the numerous companies i have set up all over our quaint little planet, of course they were all fabricated but thats beside the point, what else could I do, I had to improvise in some way, I mean, gos loves a trier, or thats what dear old granny used to tell me when I would stand at the gate when I was five years old trying to sell the cardboard box houses i had made for wveryone so that nobody would be homeless when someone up there in the nortern hemisphere decided to bomb little old, well new actually as we only got colonised 150 years ago but that, as weel, is another story and completely beside the point! ANYWAY, as opposed to gettinf side tracked once more, I was at the bank and......

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