A Conversation for (The History of) h2g2 Via Digibox..(part 1)
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Detective Armani Started conversation May 31, 2002
As a digibox advisor. I`d be honoured. You`ve done a good job so far Emmily.
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Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jun 2, 2002
..thanks detecive..i've only just found this post..sorry..i thought you'd 'blanked' my request..i'll add your name..asap..
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Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jun 4, 2002
hi detective....just to let you know..i'll be changing the name of this soon..'joys and pitfalls of digidox access' is too long..if i change it to..'h2g2 via digibox'..much easier to remember..
..i've removed paragraph about 'shrinkage' as that doesnt happen with the upgade..
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Detective Armani Posted Jun 4, 2002
Thanks for letting me now. If it`s just the name you`re changing i won`t need to worry. I`ve subscribed to the conversations on both entries and am on hand to give advice and support.
Did you get your Ace badge yet? I`m still waiting but looking forward to it.
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