A Conversation for (The History of) h2g2 Via Digibox..(part 1)
The Joys and Pitfalls?
PINKLADY 190715 Started conversation May 29, 2002
.... This is very imformative and helpful
.... the only thing is 'what is URL?'
.... another thing is that using this
.... on the TV, we lose the first few
.... letters of text on the left hand
.... side so sometimes a sentence
.... doesn't make sence.
.... So as you see I only write inside
.... the box with 3 or 4 dots at the
.... begining of every line I write,
.... this way those on the Tv can see
.... all the words.
.... Marion
The Joys and Pitfalls?
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted May 29, 2002
hi marion..
the URL is the identification number of entries. The URL for pinklady is U190715 .. for 'Joys & Pitfalls A751501 by typing these URL's it's creates a link..there is a way of creating links in plain text..haven't got round to inserting it yet....sorry marion..but..i have never experenced not being able to read text on left hand side..(i'm here same way as you)..i've always seen 3-4 dots on your posts..can you tell anymore about that..are you sure it wasn't just a 'one off'..
The Joys and Pitfalls?
PINKLADY 190715 Posted May 29, 2002
Hi Sandra
I am writing this without stopping at the end of the yellow box so to me it just goes on and on in one long line, so I can't see what I have typed. In this space where I type there is a box that says subject, but to me it says 'ject' and above this box I am typing in the word text it only says 't:' now you have a good idea how much is missing on the left side of the tv screen. Marion
The Joys and Pitfalls?
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted May 29, 2002
hi marion....i think i know what u mean now..as you type the writing continues and disapears to the right of your screen..i assume you have not got TW upgrade yet?..where you get a blue box in lower left hand corner which says.."please wait, loading data"..when you get the upgrade..all text remains inside yellow boarder..your problem will end when you get the upgrade..most TW's have already got it..you should get it soon..
The Joys and Pitfalls?
PINKLADY 190715 Posted May 30, 2002
hi Sandra
I'm not on TW we are on ntl and we
had our digital box downstairs
replaced and its just the same as
the old one.
When I am in here I have the tv in the
corner of the screen , that also hides
a small portion of the page.
Love Marion
The Joys and Pitfalls?
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted May 30, 2002
hi marion....
sorry for assuming u were TW..i have tv in corner too..but..it doesn't effect 'hg screen'..b4 the upgrade..when typing in this box..it dissapeared to the right..that was a pain when i had to correct my spelling..which was quite often....have you chatted to anyone else here on via ntl?..(nthell i've seen it called)..do they have the same problem?..it's likely to be unique to your system..
The Joys and Pitfalls?
PINKLADY 190715 Posted Jun 2, 2002
Hi Sandra
.... I chat on and off all day in my
.... email. I send a list out every
.... morning to 6 of my friends and
.... we chatter all day.
.... We don't stay there all the time
.... but we chat to each other as and
.... when we have the time.
.... We do a reply to all and its like
.... a chat room, we can all see what
.... each one is talking about.
.... I have been doing this for just
.... over a year now.
.... By the way I am on cwctv.net not
.... ntl.co.uk
.... ntl took over from cw but I have
.... a few friends on ntl and it work
.... differently than mine.
.... I have sent the h2 addy to lots
.... of my friends and they have said
.... they can't understand it.
.... ragdolly uses it a lot, infact she
.... she registerd before me.
.... love Marion
The Joys and Pitfalls?
Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream Posted Jun 3, 2002
hi marion....i'd not heard of cwctv..maybe i should add to the entry that it's based on TW..as i only know about TW..
..i see your using your dots again..your posts look nice like that..it's sort of like your 'trademark'..
enjoy your chats....
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The Joys and Pitfalls?
- 1: PINKLADY 190715 (May 29, 2002)
- 2: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (May 29, 2002)
- 3: PINKLADY 190715 (May 29, 2002)
- 4: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (May 29, 2002)
- 5: PINKLADY 190715 (May 30, 2002)
- 6: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (May 30, 2002)
- 7: PINKLADY 190715 (Jun 2, 2002)
- 8: Emmily ~ Roses are red, Peas are green, My face is a laugh, But yours is a scream (Jun 3, 2002)
More Conversations for (The History of) h2g2 Via Digibox..(part 1)
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