Talking Point: Caffeine

4 Conversations

A cafe latte with an elegant design 'drawn' in its frothy, milky foam
No one can understand the truth until he drinks of coffee's frothy goodness

- Sheik Abd-al-Kadir
Widespread caffeine use explains a lot about the 20th Century
- Greg Egan

For a lot of people it is simply unthinkable that a day could possibly go by without the requisite caffeine drink, either from a cup of coffee, a cup of tea or any number of branded caffeinated beverages in a can. Is this you? Are you a complete caffeine-head? Can you simply not function without your daily hit? We'd like to know. Here are a bunch of questions to mull over your morning cuppa:

  • Caffeine-wise, what exactly does your morning routine involve?

  • Is caffeine good or bad for you?

  • Are you a coffee person or are you tea person? Do you think we can draw any conclusions about 'personality' types given a stated preference, much like cat lovers versus dog lovers?

  • Are you a snob about your caffeine? Is it all coffee bean grinders and finest Italian espressos in your house or will a cup of bog-standard instant do just as nicely?

  • Likewise with tea, are you a fussy tea drinker? Does your tea have to come hand-picked from a rarified Himalayan source drunk without milk in a porcelain cup? Or does a builders-brew-two-sugars-thank-you-very-much do the job for you?

  • Have you ever ventured into the world of herbal or fruit teas? How about Japanese green tea or Chinese gunpowder tea?

  • What if you can't take caffeine for health reasons or you simply don't drink the stuff out of choice; do you take the de-caf tea and coffee options instead? Have they improved in the current climate of increasing health consciousness?

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