A Conversation for GreyDesk's Friends
Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me! Started conversation Mar 25, 2002
Hi Grey Desk - we meet again.
I'm always interested to see the relationships between the various researchers here at the guide. Lists such as yours are usually filled with names that I know or are totally devoid of them. Strange that, I wonder if there is a good reason behind that. Maybe I should get out more - into the community that is, and meet even more people.
Who knows....
GreyDesk Posted Mar 31, 2002
Note to self - subscribe to your own pages
Hiya Bassman.
So how is life treating you these days? I haven't spotted you around the site recently, or maybe I'm just looking in all the wrong places. I too have wondered about the links and things between researchers. Sometimes I come across small groups who all know one another yet never seem to interact with the rest of the community. I guess the way of getting yourself known is hanging around in Askh2g2 and Peer Review.
Bassman - Funny how people never ceases to amaze me! Posted Apr 1, 2002
Life is as good as can be expected. (Sorry - that fence post is starting to hurt now!!)
I've been round a lot more just recently than a couple of weeks ago, which is a good thing. Been doing a bit more meeting and greeting as well. I hate having the A.C.E. badge and not getting time to meet newbies - sence of duty and all that.
I didn't know anybody at the site before I went to the London meet-up. I spoke to Galaxy Babe one night on the phone just after DNA passed away, but that was it. I've seen conversations between researchers in the same room on different computers, which was a bit odd. But that's life I suppose.
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