Escape Pod Dreams: What fare is fair?
Created | Updated Jul 14, 2010
Escape Pod Dreams, the "What fare is fair?" Issue

Punny for the Guy
It is an odd thing that there are always ‘investigations’ going on. Thousands and millions of dollars are spent on investigators that have not been and will not be proven to be qualified to open a box lunch, let alone a search into the souls and pasts of people both criminal and a-criminal. There is always ‘research’ into areas that your average person would find not only esoteric but hard to spell. There are always ‘experts’ and pundits to explain just why the research areas are hard to spell and where to get the help you need to learn to spell. There are always ‘books’ pouring out of the printing presses to deal with any crisis or event. Life today is a series of consultations with lawyers, bankers, housing council groundskeepers, plumbers, educational aides and marriage brokers. And who are all these wonderful people when they is at home? Poor geezers just like us, trying to schedule the next appointment.

More reasons why small children and animals shouldn't work for my employers:
1. 8:57 AM
Ever since I learned to talk
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
2. 9:57 AM
Just how much of a genius am I supposed to be?
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
3. 10:57 AM
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)
4. 11:57 AM
I try not to be too arrogant
Your Other Right Foot (appearing nightly without warning)