Gloucester, Coopers Hill Cheese Rolling
Created | Updated May 2, 2002
Cooper's Hill
Gloucester, Gloucestershire,
England, U.K.
Dogmatic Insanity
Once a year, a number of insane individuals choose to run down one of the steepest hills in Gloucestershire chasing a giant round and heavy(25lb) bouncing, rolling Double Gloucester cheese. It is a very amusing event to watch, and like a ski-ing trip, invariably results in more than a few broken limbs. There were more than 18 serious injuries in the 1997 event. The descent is just over 1000 ft, and is angled at around 60 degrees. It doesnt take a genius to see that going head over heals is inevitable.
Worth a visit
The author recommends abstaining from participating, but is a must to spectate. Entry to the event is entirely voluntary, though at your own risk. When you view- do not attempt to photograph the passing runners from beneath- the cheese once managed to knock some poor American Tourist flat before the racers careered over them. Participants are invariably a little mad, and will have certainly limbered up in a bar with enough alcohol to incapacitate a Blue Whale. This is one instance where Pangalactic Gargleblaster's are highly recommended.
Its not totally barbaric, and the St Johns ambulance is always at hand- just in case a serious injury results from the event and to tried the myriad of smaller injuries that are inherent in this kind of sport. They also catch the racers at the bottom of the very long and steep hillside. Though more recently recent rugby and football teams help with that part-otherwise the racers tend to career through into adjoining residents gardens*. The cheese has not yet been known to break windows below though.

The Cheese
Yes, this really is all about cheese.
The result of actually winning the race, that is to catch the cheese and reach the bottom first, is the very same bruised, battered and somewhat muddy cheese. Of course the cheese, being round, can travel much faster than inebriated humans at around 30-40 mph...
Until recently the cheese was made by Diana Smarts farm. The cheese according to Diana must be 10 inches in diameter and weighs around 7.5 pounds. Gloucester was once famous for it cheeses.
Origins of the Cheese Rolling
It is beleived that the event originated in an Ancient Druid festival, although furthar sources suggest that it is actually a spring fertility rite which has been running for at least 200 years.
The vicar of Coopers hill starts the race by shouting "One to be ready, two to be steady, three to be prepared, and four away!".
To most participants and spectators the true meaning has been forgotten in favour of total slapstick comedy.
A furthar warning to foreign eager participants- should you win the cheese- make sure you eat it before you leave. I dont think customs allow you to travel with dairy products.
Similar Crazy Events
There are also Cheese Rolling events in Randwick, and
Stilton Village.