The Perfect Italian Cream Soda Content from the guide to life, the universe and everything

The Perfect Italian Cream Soda

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If you've ever enjoyed an Italian cream soda at your local coffee shop, try this recipe for a perfect one at home.


  • A 12oz or 16oz glass

  • A flavoured syrup of your choice such as hazelnut, vanilla, raspberry or orange. Try to stay away from chocolate flavour. You can try it out but it is not recommended!

  • Ice

  • 'Half and half'1

  • Carbonated water - you can use plain water, but it won't be as good


  1. Fill the glass to the top with ice.

  2. Fill about 2/3 of the glass with the flavoured syrup.

  3. Add the water until you have just a small space left at the top of the glass.

  4. Top it off with half and half.

  5. Stir and enjoy!

1A mixture of milk and single cream in equal amounts.

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