The Acrostic Poetry Challenge: Guardian
Created | Updated Jun 20, 2010

The Acrostic Poem has been a long-standing challenge, mainly between B'Elana and PedanticBarSteward. However, we've decided to open up the idea to anyone who would like to take part, as a regular poetry challenge.
The word chosen each time is the Telegram Game's current word, so if you join in or subscribe to the telegram game you'll know as soon as it's announced. When you've completed your poem, submit it by posting to a new thread below, and we'll put the best of them together in the next issue.
Have fun!
This issue: GUARDIAN
Grorniad - the doyen of the typos and misprints,
Unsolvable crosswords - despite the cryptic hints.
A 'defective' constable from Wyre Piddle's Force
Replace by 'detective' from the Piddle's police 'farce';
Does anybody actually ever read the news?
I tried it once and ended up intermin'bly confused.
A paper should be what its title pompously declares,
Nowhere does it guard me - but the 'gardien' sweeps the stairs.
Dmitri Gheorgheni
Gods and mortals need a helping hand,
Under evil suns foul danger lurks.
Atop the stargate the Observer stands,
Resting his gaze, now here, now there, on works
Demanding study. Gathering his data,
Intent, but pausing his sidereal round
Anon to savour, alpha thought to beta,
Niceties of feeling, light, and sound.
Gives his life for you with nary a glance
Under any dire or dreadful circumstance
Attesting to his selfless devotion
Regardless of his personal emotion
Dutifully keeps watch into the night
Illumination no matter, he has sight,
And can still spot a robber in the fog
Now’s a good time to pet and reward your dog.
Goals, free kick and yellow card
Understanding this game's hard!
Africa's the place to be
Right now (or watch it on TV)
Deafened by the vuvuzelas
Into view eleven fellas
Answering their nation's call
Now commence World Cup Football
PedanticBarSteward, B4, Beatrice and Dmitri Gheorgheni