You and your Sub-Etha-Sense-O-Matic

1 Conversation

So, you've decided to start an illustrious career as a hitch hiker,( or maybe it wasn't your choice, but, no matter.) you're off to a great start. Now before we begin a brief checklist:

1) Do you have your copy of the "Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy"?
( If not please see appendix 3a, subsection 4.)

2) Do you have your towell?

(If not ( to save printing costs) please consult the "Guide" on the importance of towells.)

(Note: If you're missing both of these, please go back to bed, we here are not responsible for your safety, and mis-use of the "Thumb" is done at your own risk)

Now on to use of your Sub-Etha-Sense-O-Matic:

1) Turn the switch marked *POWER* to the on position.

2) Pray Zarquon that you are picked up by a species that Appreciates hitch hikers.

May you have many fine journies with your new Sub-Etha-Sense-O-Matic.

(Note: 16 double j batteries not included.)

Don't Panic

This is my winning entry at ZZ9's contest for a H2G2 instruction manual.

Stay Hoopy,


[email protected]

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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