A Conversation for Cheltenham, England


Post 21

Yeliab {h2g2as}


Yeah, stayed out from 10 untill 12:45 and saw 6-8 metiors (not sure as soemtimes you only notice something in the last fraction of a second as it dissapers). Only 2 were actual Leonids but they were impressive. One other one covered most of the sky, quite amazing. Pretty darn chilly mind you, had a sleeping bag though.

They will just about have ended by now and the next truly spectacular dieplay won't be for about 100 years (though 2033 and 2066 should also be quite good)

Where did you learn to do all that html (if it is that) on your page, i.e, flags, faces and stuff? smiley - smiley

Ahh, it's late and I'm tyred. Well a little on the drousy side anyway.

Salohcin smiley - fish


Post 22

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I come on h2g2 almost everyday (I mean almost, in the whole time I've been here - since about Jy - I have only been off it for a total of six days. That's six days without going on at all.. The Internet bill is sky-high and my Dad is really angry, AARRGGHH!!!) so I get loadsa practice with html and stuff. If you go to my page you'll see a link to Pastey's help site (I can't remember what the link says though.) and it's really useful. I'll help you with your page if you want because I'm nice like that. smiley - winkeye

I drew my face (which doesn't really look like me at all really.) on Paintbrush and because I couldn't upload it properly I emailed it to Mad-Munk. (normally without hyphen however!! smiley - winkeye) and he uploaded it for me and now it's on my page. I managed to upload two pictures though.

You can find any pictures you want to put on your page at places like http://www.animfactory.com and http://www.andyart.com and you have to get the address of the picture, then put a code like this on your page:

to make it appear there.

You have to have it on GuideML first, there's a little option thingy at the bottom of the edit box.

I'm not really a HTML boffin. Honestly. I just know some stuff. I'm not a boffin. Really.

smiley - smileyLisa


Post 23

Yeliab {h2g2as}

WOW. Looks complicated. Hmmmm, I'll see what I can find.

Did you get ICQ last week?



Post 24

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga


I'll go see how long it takes to download, okay??!! smiley - winkeye


Post 25

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Not long at all. 56K? bout 10 mins on a goot night.


Post 26

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Okaee then.. I'll go see if I can...

smiley - smiley


Post 27

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

It said half an hour and I downloaded half of it when my bloody computer shut down the program. smiley - sadface It's been doing that a lot recently, I've had to stop using the better browser all together..

I don't have any time left now!

I'm really sorry. Not half as much as my computer will be though.


Post 28

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

NIck you said they sold the radio scripts for the guide in whsmith's. I went there yesterday and they din't wwwaaaaaaaaaaah.


Post 29

The Thickist Researcher

does anybody go to balcarras? i'm in 9f2! Happy millienium!


Post 30

The Thickist Researcher

oh yes, and my email is [email protected].


Post 31

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I think my friend used to go there

she's called Zoe Bromelow. Apparently. smiley - winkeye


Post 32

The Thickist Researcher

sorry..never heard of her... smiley - smiley


Post 33

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I had this dream last night and there was a big crowd and someone stood up and yelled "No, *I'm* the thickest researcher!" For aboslutely no reason whatsoever.

smiley - smiley


Post 34

Yeliab {h2g2as}

I've been away (somewhere just off Gamma Draconis).
I don't go to Balcaris but know some folk who go there (upper 6th).

WHS probably don't stock the HHGTTG radio tapes but if you say "Oi, you! Come over here NOW. I want these tapes!" They will tap away at their computers and happily order it for you. Couple of days and it'll be in!

Oh what a wonder modern technology is!


PS. I hate revision and A- Levels!!!!!


Post 35

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Poor you. smiley - sadface I'm in what is apparently the easiest year, maybe that explains where the last three months went.

'Ooooh and get the machine that goes, "PING!"'

Scuse me.

Seriously though, I asked the staff at Hammicks Waterstones and Smiths and none of them even knew they existed!! smiley - sadface I was gonna bring the thingy number for them but I kept forgetting it. *duuuuh*


Post 36

Yeliab {h2g2as}

OK. They do know about it. They should be able to look it up on their little computers. Customer Service is to people you want.

But here is the ISBN for the radio series (which is odd coz it isn't a book) (hmmm, it is the radio series on tape you want and not the written version isn't it?)

ISBN 0-563-55766-4

Try that.



Post 37

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

I'm looking for the scripts, cos I managed toget the series itself there (after long searches everywhere.)

Okay thanks, I'll try that. smiley - smiley


Post 38

Yeliab {h2g2as}

Barns and Noble? The only place I have ever seen them (and the Ultimate HHGTTG) was in America. Us English, arg (use 'ARG' as an approximation to 'DOH' [of Simpsons fame] in situations where DOH isn't forceful enough)



Post 39

Lisa the Freak // Poet by the Toga

Looking back, that's the isbn for the radio series isn't it, which is why I got a different one for the scripts. (0330292889) I checked Waterstones but the guy said that cos it's old they're probably not in print anymore, so I should order it on the internet. *sigh*

smiley - sadface

Oh well!

smiley - winkeye

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