Cheltenham, England

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Cheltenham is a small town (just under a hundred thousand inhabitants) in Gloucestershire in the heart of the Cotswolds (a range of hills roughly 1000ft high). Gloucestershire is in the south of the Midlands about 2 hours West of London. Near to Cheltenham is the city of Gloucester which has roughly the same population as Cheltenham however is a city as it has a cathedral. Cheltenham is most famous for the Gold Cup Horse Race held every year in April, it is part of the national hunt festival and the race is a ‘steeple chase’. This attracts many famous people, including the Queen Mother, who enjoys racing. Recently the race course has been also used as the first stages and home of the RAC World Rally. This is where the teams are situated and each day the drivers leave the racecourse to drive (but often fly) round corners at hair-raising speeds. The routes take them around central England and Wales and return each night. This means for the particular weekend the town is alive with the sound of roaring engines.

Cheltenham was first established in Viking times at the foot of the Cotswolds, a large range of hills roughly 1000ft high (the highest is just over and therefore technically a mountain, but that’s just silly), due to defensive regions. Cheltenham is also a spa town which means that there is a spa (place where water comes from the ground) and this would also have made it a more attractive area. However, the water tastes like sea water, though less polluted, and I don’t advise a long drink. Cheltenham is generally regarded as a quiet middle class town with many interesting and quaint areas. I have not found there to be any variety of wild night life such as clubs and the like but there may be some to be found. There are many hotels and B and B's to stay at including The Queens Hotel and The Rising Sun Hotel at which to eat and be merry. There are also many restaurants to eat at, such as Ray Mont. Blancs the Petite Blanch, and cafe's to, well, cafe in. Public transport is variable, there is a new Park and Ride and buss survives so that you do not need to find parking spaces in the town. There is also a rail link between Gloucester and Birmingham where you can travel to most of the rest of the country. There is also one very small airfield called Staverton which is only for small flights, sadly no long-hall journeys, as well as lessons in flying. I personally recommend the trial lessons, it cost’s a small amount but you are taught the basics of flight before choosing a root and flying to a destination airfield, having a coffee, and then flying back. All the pilots are well trained and will really let you fly the aircraft. You may also be able to take family in the back of the airoplane

Overall Cheltenham is s lovely town within easy reach of beautiful countryside and scenic walks (e.g. the Cotswold Way and the Malverns). There is very good shopping with a wide range of shops from clothes to computers, as well as coffee shops to have a break in the beautiful center. There are a large number of historic sights and of course the spa waters which are very good for you (well that’s what I’m told).

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