A Conversation for Talking Point: Time Travel

Becoming youre own son

Post 1

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Anyone who wishes to discuss this subject with me prepare the aspirins...smiley - smiley
Is it possible to go back in time, marry your mother and have yourself as son?

Becoming youre own son

Post 2

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

no, genetically there would not be enough of a difference for a healthy feutus to form so either conception would not occur or the baby would be miscarried.


Becoming youre own son

Post 3

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Oh I understandsmiley - smiley

Becoming youre own son

Post 4

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

from a time travel point of view though i suppose it would be possible, but only if all time travel was fated/fixed so that you had to create yourself.


Becoming youre own son

Post 5

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

According to the timeline, do you think you can prevent youself from ever being born by stopping your father and mother to ever meet?

Becoming youre own son

Post 6

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page


i think if ever humans were able to travel in time that there would be a lot of constraints on it to make it work. like with a car engine it can only do a certain number of things, anything else will make it explode. i think with time that certain things wouldnt work because any travel done would be severely limited by it's own mechanics, none of this free for all that you see on tv.

Becoming youre own son

Post 7

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I don't understand your exampel but I undterstand what you mean.
No more Back to the future films for me.

Becoming youre own son

Post 8

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I guess you think that changing historical events is impossible too?

Becoming youre own son

Post 9

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

yeah, i guess i do

i never really thought about it all that much, but basically i believe that it's all a matter of perception of our world, i think someone else has posted a load of stuff on this. i agree with most of what they said.

as for changing history,.....if it were possible, i.e. if time travel happened like on tv, the you would also have the tv style 'timecpos' who would make sure that nothing was changed. after all, they have forever to put right any mistakes they make so we will never notice any discrepancies.

actually, how would we know if there were any changes to the time line? we wouldnt would we........so maybe its happening all around us.....


Becoming youre own son

Post 10

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

Yeah thats probably right.

Becoming youre own son

Post 11

FABT - new venture A815654 Angel spoiler page

so.......what do you think then?

Becoming youre own son

Post 12

Mister Matty

If the (most likely) "parralel universes" or "time branches" theory is correct, this would not happen.

Becoming youre own son

Post 13

Ace Rimmer [pretending]

I'm not sure about this paradox thing, I choose to look at time as a two-dimesnonal world, were two events does not affect each other except on long distance.
PS.Why don't we boogie over to another conversation; ofcourse it's possible... at talk/ time travels, where I guess you found my conversation.
I'm already there.smiley - cool

Becoming youre own son

Post 14

Smiley Ben

Erm. Whoever it was that said time travelling and becoming your own father would be risky because there wouldn't be enough genetic difference to produce viable offspring is fairly missing the point. If you were your own father, there could be *no* mixing of chromosomes, since you would have to have the same DNA as your son (because it would be you). Therefore, you would need the extremely unlikely / impossible (I'm not a biologist) event that *only* the father's genes were selected.

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